Maria Scherer

Maria has been a seeker of health and wellness her whole life. She’s been tipping the internal and external scales since she was a young girl, seeking balance in everything she does. Her experience as a professional ballerina in the Louisville Ballet Company taught her discipline. Her experience as a Las Vegas Showgirl taught her to have a good time. Her love for Keith Richards and the Rolling Stones taught her about passion. All valuable lessons on her way towards living her most authentically and healthy life.

When she owned & operated Innergy Colon Hydrotherapy in Flagstaff AZ, she also became a certified Reiki practitioner. As she worked as a Medical Assistant for FoxHollow Wellness Clinic in Louisville KY, in the 1990's, she learned how Western Medicine looks at the human body from only one direction, Biochemically. Then she found European Biological Medicine and traveled across the globe to experience it. She knew that mind, body and body field were all connected, and we can’t heal one without healing the whole.

As she sought to become more aligned - and to tune in, she studied and became a Kundalini Yoga Instructor and an energy and frequency healer here in LA. Working in combination with all these modalities she learned that everything is energetic - and connected. Maria has excelled to the exciting next level of energy medicine in the emerging field of Bioenergeticx. It is of the utmost importance that we Electro Magnetically reset, realign, recalibrate and recharge regularly.

In my practice as a NES Health Bioenergetix Practitioner, I use frequencies to balance the body and the body's energy field so it can heal itself. I invite you to come get your ElectroMagnetic tune up today!

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“Nothing has ever helped my chronic fatigue / Epstein Barr. It seems like I have tried everything under the sun both old and new. I was honestly about to give up. Then I read about a man who had chronic fatigue like me and had founded a company called NES Health. I decided to take 6 months and give NES Health a shot. I felt a break through 4 or 5 months after I started. I sure am glad that I didn’t give up. I’m feeling better every day.”

Venice Beach


“I have been taking Infoceuticals for the past 6 months. I still find it hard to explain to people how trauma is stored in the water of your body, although I know it’s true. I have spoke with counselors, psychologists and psychotherapist for years and there has always been something missing. I am happy to say Maria has shown me the answer. I will continue to take the Infoceuticals because I can’t wait to see how I feel 6 months from now.”

Los Feliz


“I have always been suspicious of Western Medicine and health procedures. I spoke with Maria and she recommended the Energy4Life classes. I have never experienced anything like this. The course was so organized and makes so much sense. Though some of the information is a bit frightening. I truly believe it to be accurate. Now I have what I need to make healthy choices. I can’t thank Maria enough. This has changed my perception and my life forever.”

West Hollywood


“I severely injured my ankle. It was terrible. I went to the hospital for surgery and left on crutches with a prescription for pain medication. The said I would get better in a few months. I could barely walk. I went to see Maria and immediately the pain and swelling subsided after one treatment. I went to her a few more times before checking in with my doctor. When I saw him, he said I healed 6 weeks ahead of schedule. Thank you Maria.”

Los Angeles


“I was hit by a car along with two others.We were standing on the sidewalk and one second later we were running for our lives. The three of us ended up in the hospital luckily we all walked out the same night. Nothing critical just banged up as you can imagine. I immediately started treatments with Maria. Within a week I had no pain or bruising. It was and still is amazing. I didn’t even take an aspirin. It has been over a year. The other two guys are still banged up and taking pain medication. Thanks to Maria, it’s as if it never happened. As I said before, I feel amazing!”



“Maria has created a beautiful space to restore the balance in the body. The well of knowledge Maria has collected over the years shows in her thoughtful non invasive treatments. She always takes time to listen to what I'm experiencing and able to create the right treatment for fast results. From severe chronic illness to just wanting a good detox Maria has always been able to lead me to great results. She has created a great, fun loving place to restore and heal.”


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