miHealth Device

The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field) biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, releasing and re-educating energy flow, muscles, nerves, organs and areas of the body. As stress is released, energy can flow properly and the body's own innate intelligence starts to heal itself.


The miHealth helps with:

• Fatigue

• Stress

• Sleep

• Weight Management

• Hormone Imbalances

• Pain

• Depression/Anxiety

• Immunity/Autoimmune

• Thyroid/Adrenal Issues

• And so much more...


What makes the miHealth so revolutionary?

It utilizes 3 different cutting edge technologies:



Self-Controlled Energo Adaptive Regulation

This powers the “biofeedback” (adaptive) portion of the miHealth’s electro stimulation.

This technology was developed by the Russians to keep their cosmonauts healthy in space. It works by utilizing particular frequencies that interact with the nervous system. There are years of proven research behind the core technology, but miHealth takes it to another level: the miHealth is the only bioelectric technology using resonance frequencies in harmony with the body.

It is based on decades of NES Health’s human research.


Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies

Literally hundreds of human, doubled-blind studies-published in some of the most prestigious medical journals in the world-have demonstrated how PEMF can help with dozens of health issues.



Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve

This therapy has also been used for decades and is still used by hospitals today.

The problem is, normally, TENS does nothing to actually fix the underlying problem.

The difference with miHealth is that it provides the body’s energy field with their proprietary PEMF information signals DURING a TENS type of treatment, making it more effective at getting at getting to the root cause of any issue.

Please contact me to purchase your miHealth device to move forward on your journey towards optimal health


Calming a bull with a miHealth device in less than 2 minutes!


Bemer Mat


Energy Healing